The Women's Place and Resource Center (WPRC) is a nonprofit organization designed to assist women in the process of spiritual, personal, and professional development.
WCA is an association of county governments organized for the purpose of serving and representing counties at the state and federal level of government.
TDA is a statewide not-for-profit association representing over 400 transportation stakeholders committed to working together for the best in transportation.
Our mission is to support Latino-owned businesses in Dane County by creating opportunities for networking and professional development and by providing technical assistance, referrals and educational workshops.
''Seein' is Believin aims supports communities with Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid Trainings, Youth Mental Health Retreats and Social Emotional Resilience workshops.
The Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce is more than 1,200 businesses who support each other and work together as a strong voice for enlightened economic growth in the region.
Alkeme is a community for creatives of color to grow and stay, gain brand awareness and connect with another through events and collaborative experiences.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce for more information.
P.O. Box 71, Madison, WI 53701 – (608) 256-8348 –