Dane Buy Local

  • Non-Profit Organizations
2801 International Lane, Suite 110
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 729-7342

About Us

At Dane Buy Local, our mission is deeply rooted in three core principles: to educate the public about the profound benefits of prioritizing local businesses, to actively promote our members and their read more
  • About

    At Dane Buy Local, our mission is deeply rooted in three core principles: to educate the public about the profound benefits of prioritizing local businesses, to actively promote our members and their products and services within the community, and to foster collaborations with like-minded organizations, all with the aim of realizing our visionary goals.

    We envision a local economy that is not only sustainable and resilient but also characterized by fairness, creating vibrant communities that residents take immense pride in calling home. We strive for an educated public that discerns the true costs associated with opting for "big box" convenience over supporting locally owned businesses. We firmly believe that national prosperity and an enhanced quality of life for all commence at the grassroots level, supporting and nurturing our local businesses to grow and prosper.

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