Madison College and REAP Food Group invite you on a culinary journey through Wisconsin while exploring various preservation techniques. Over a five-course meal, the Madison College Culinary Program will celebrate the best of Wisconsin ingredients captured at their peak. Enjoy dishes from Chef Evan Dannells of Cadre Restaurant, Chef Jonathan Correa of La Cosecha Tortillas, and more!
Proceeds from the event will go toward REAP's efforts to uplift communities, lives, and economies through a healthy local food system!
The dinner will take place in Diane's Delicious Diner, right next to Madison College's Culinary Program within the Truax Building, located at 1701 Wright St, Madison, WI 53704. The Diner is in the southeast corner of the building. Visitor parking is located west of the building at 1702 Wright St, Madison, WI 53704.
Date/Time Information:
Thursday February 6th, 6-9pm
Contact Information:
Efrat Koppel, Head of Development at REAP Food GRoup